Technical questions for the MPC2000xl and the MPC2000
By RevolutionInTheHead Thu May 04, 2017 7:23 am
Hello! Digital help please! I just bought a Roland VP9000 for to speed up/improve time-stretching my samples and maybe add some effects. I'm gonna be using the digital ins/outs of the MPC to go to/from the VP, and also hit an effects unit (again, using digital) on the way back to the MPC, as so far I'm not too impressed with the VPs reverbs. The VP and the fx have 24 bit ins/outs whereas the MPC, of course is 16 bit. Being a digital noob, will this have a detrimental effect on anything? I tried it quickly with the VP on a drum break and, after encoding it, I noticed I had to turn the gain up on the sample in the VP quite a bit to get it sounding similar. Thanking you in advance...