Technical questions for the MPC2000xl and the MPC2000
By Jrogersz Thu Sep 28, 2017 7:50 pm
So I recently bought a microkorg after wanting one for a while. I have everything set up to my mixer, the XL and korg are sync' via midi and I can record the korg sounds on the mpc etc. and all that good shit.

What I have a problem with is when I record something over my drums(which were made on the mpc) with the korg(let's say it's some bass notes), I get the bass line I want I record it, it's all good. Then I got to switch sounds on the korg and whatever I switch it to(let's say a synth piano) the bass notes are now playing in synth notes... wtf??? I want to be able to do different tracks with the korg and right now I'm restricted to 1 because every time I try to add multiple sounds/tracks via korg it switches my sound???

I am new to the whole midi thing, I've had my XL for years but never had a keyboard, so I am very confused and frustrated. If anyone can help me it'll be greatly appreciated. I've tried to find something about this on YouTube and there's nothing. Thanks in advance guys!