Technical questions for the MPC2000xl and the MPC2000
By waxman_ Sun Feb 25, 2018 6:37 am
Hey there,
I've installed a GOTEK Floppy Emulator for my MPC2000 and downloaded a program called 'Batch Manage Tool V1.40'. I have also downloaded the system files for the MPC2000. I have placed the system files onto the USB as well as some drum loops, and it runs fine but none of my drum loops appear. I have formated the USB and all the files look to be on the serial number: '000'.

I'm really not too sure how to get the drum loops onto the MPC. Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.
By fantomebeats Mon Feb 26, 2018 1:16 am
First, put ups into emulator then turn on with pressing 2 buttons on emulator. That'll format and automatically separate the partitions in usb stick. After that, turn off mpc and connect usb to computer which may show you partition 000 on the screen. Drag and drop system file into that partition 000 and put it into mpc again and just turn on.
(if my English is bad, sorry :worthy: )