Forum to discuss all matters relating to the MPC1000 and MPC2500 operating systems created by 'JJ' (all versions).
By SPACESHEEP Sun Sep 03, 2017 4:32 pm
Hello everybody!
After a few months of using OS3 (latest version is installed now) i found this problem..
Yesterday I finished work with MPC and saved the entire memory (as usual) to the project folder. Usually MPC erase all existing files and then replace with current files from memory. Last months everything was ok. But today when I loaded the project - I found a few samples missed. F**ck, some of them were with 10+ non-destructive chops. I replaced missed samples with copies from my computer and spent two hours rebuilding all chops etc. Then I saved the project into new folder on CF card. Made some changes and before finishing work with MPC I save entire memory in this new folder but without replacing files. Now after loading the project I found that some files are missed again!! Also in one long sample all ND chops are missed.
What it can be? Unit malfunction? Or OS3 bug? Or maybe CF card dies?

Does anybody have any ideas?