Submit bug reports and feature requests for the JJOS-XL and 2XL
By 313 studio tricks Wed Feb 12, 2014 5:39 pm
is there any way jj could add virtual q-link sliders for the mpc 1000 (or maybe the 2500 too, why not?), if all we are going to do is tweak them with CC data anyway? maybe you could switch which v-q-links are set to the hardware sliders in settings... possible?
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By Bugfix Wed Feb 12, 2014 6:53 pm
seems he wants more q-links (parameters) to control internal sampler via CC, which wouldn't be bad.. but honestly I don't think anyone would go far with this without choking MPC to death in 5 secs :lol:
By 313 studio tricks Wed Feb 12, 2014 9:59 pm
perhaps, just checking where the limits are i guess. if mpc 2500 has 4 q-knobs/sliders and is built on the same processor/ram spec i assumed it was possible. no sense in letting go of potential if it exists.