Submit bug reports and feature requests for the JJOS-XL and 2XL
By malky Tue Dec 09, 2014 10:16 pm
hi, i've been playing with JJOS3 chord mode, entering chords to pads with a midi keyboard. it seems to get about half of them wrong - whatever isn't a simple major or minor chord is entered as Chord##, i.e. Chord01, 02 etc

it seems to grab the notes i play correctly, and assigns the root note to whatever is the lowest note i play. when the pad is played, the chord sounds out wrong - that is, the intervals are the same as i played, but they start lower than they are supposed to. for example, if i play a chord


the mpc will record the chord as having a root note of G#2 and sound 4 semitones lower than the chord i entered. shifting the root key up to C3 will make the chord sound as i played it.

similarly, if i play


the chord must be shifted up 1 semitone to sound correct. it appears the chord does not begin from the note it is assigned to?

interestingly this does not always happen. the following chord was recorded, the root note was A#3 and it played correctly.
A# 3
D# 4
G 4
D 5
F 5
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By bliprock Wed Dec 10, 2014 2:19 am
hmm, I am not sure I follow this as the chords are set from the JJOS screen and then they play from a single key. So not sure why your trying to play a chord with more than one key?
Or are you making chords? I thought this feature was not in OS3? I am not in front of mine now, and will have to have a look.

Another thing to know is that the chords are in a single mode, so a chord might be different in a different mode. For example dorian or mixalodian .
By malky Wed Dec 10, 2014 4:17 am
on JJOS3 you can play a chord via midi keyboard to enter it. on the main screen in chord mode, highlight the chord type (by default on my JJOS this will be C_3 - M, you must highlight on M) and then play your chord. the type of chord will change to m/M/aug2 etc. if you play a chord that is in the chord library already or will give a name to it i.e. Chord##

here's a video
very good feature except when it doesnt work properly.

i received this after submitting a report:

Thank you for the bug report.
The bug has been checked.
Probably, this bug is fixed by the next version.

Thank you.
so hopefully it will be squashed soon.