MPC Software & MPC Beats Forum: Bug reports, feature suggestions and discussion for the MPC Software and the free 'MPC Beats' application for Mac/PC. If you have hardware-specific questions, please post in the relevant MPC sub-forum.
By Joe Vourteque Fri Apr 19, 2024 9:02 pm

So I've been looking and looking and I cannot figure out how to do this and would love some help.

I'll keep it simple - I have a project, I'm using the MPC plugin in my DAW (Bitwig) and I'm using my MPC One+ to control it.

One of programs is the plugin Tubesynth, I have it routed both audio and MIDI-wise just fine to run in my DAW. BUT I cannot figure out automation, I would like to automate a filter sweep in Tubesynth IN Bitwig so that when I do playback that one part of the track has the same filter sweep each time.

I saw somewhere you can assign MIDI controls to the Q-Link but... I'm not sure how to lock Q-Link to the one parameters AND... when I tried that I couldn't get it to work.

I'm going to be honest here, it seems really weird that there isn't a relatively straightforward way to automate parameters in the MPC software through one's daw, it makes aspects of the software basically worthless IMO, so I find it hard to believe that's the case. But who knows, maybe it is.

Any help is appreciated.
