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By Dratomanijus Klepsydra Wed Sep 25, 2019 5:42 pm
hey everyone, mpc live is a new thing for me still, i was trying to find out how i record the keys from my microkorg into mpc sequencer, the midi cables are being set ok, i can play microkorg with mpc live pads but i cant record the keys of microkorg to mpc live. please help me:)
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By Sharris Thu Sep 26, 2019 8:24 pm
You have to use both midi out & midi in. What's cool is you not only can record the notes played on the keyboard but you can also record automation (hit record on MPC, play with knobs on the Microkorg & the automation will be recorded).

I don't have the Live, but have done this with my MPC 1000 & 2500 with the microkorg & works fine.

Midi details: When using midi out on Live to midi in on Microkorg you are only controlling the Microkorg with the MPC.... MPC out to Microkorg in..... so if you want the Microkorg to be able to have some control as well... you would also have to plug the midi out of the Microkorg to the midi in of the Live.... allowing midi from the Microkorg to go OUT - IN to the Live.