Post your questions, opinions and reviews of the MPC1000. This forum is for discussion of the OFFICIAL Akai OS (2.1). If you wish to discuss the JJ OS, please use the dedicated JJ OS forum
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By NearTao Wed Jan 01, 2020 3:33 pm
The MPC Tutor bible is great, there are tons of free videos on Youtube...

My question for you is are you planning on using the stock Akai OS, are are you going to upgrade to JJOS? JJOS is much better, but does require spending a bit more money on the MPC... however, if you go to JJOS, you're better off looking for content specific to JJOS as there are subtle differences between the stock Akai OS and the JJOS.
By ShoopFroggyFrog Sat Jan 04, 2020 12:54 am
thank you for your reply Near Tao. I have been narrowing my search. I am now between the MPC tutor ebook and the MPC stuff dvd. They both cover the akai os and the jjos. This is good because I would like to learn both, starting with the akai os. I was a bit anxious about how there isn't a lot of instructional stuff for the akai os on Youtube.
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By Lampdog Sat Jan 04, 2020 2:24 am
Go str8 to jjos and skip learning akai os.
By ShoopFroggyFrog Sat Jan 04, 2020 3:09 am
Quick question though. I read the akai os vs jjos vs jjos2xl feature comparison chart. That ish is dense. Could you tell me off the top of your head if one gives up any features when switching to jj?
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By Lampdog Sat Jan 04, 2020 4:43 pm
You just said you read the comparison chart so you should know what’s gained.

Read what other jjos users have written on the forums, ALL GOOD THINGS when switching to JJOS.

Make the jump, don’t look back..
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By NearTao Sun Jan 05, 2020 4:18 pm
I do not miss any of the bugs in AkaiOS, JJOS is feature packed and more than covers AkaiOS. In many ways it turns the 1k into a mini 4k. The biggest change I recall that impacted me was the loss of 4 sample layering, I believe it is now 3 sample layering... but I forget what OS3 max is off the top of my head. Personally I just resample when the need arises, so layers isn’t typically a concern for me.

The more interesting changes are between OS2XL and OS3... bit you can fairly easilly switch between the 2 at boot.
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By NearTao Sun Jan 05, 2020 4:21 pm
Oh, one big thing with JJOS is that the programs (not the samples) do not really import into other MPCs well... so you will not be able to export a JJOS program into an MPC 500. For me, not a problem, but some folks may miss this feature.