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Bychainsawzombie Tue Aug 10, 2004 1:44 pm
I'm new to the mpc game and I've been having major problems just saving stuff. I've used the "save entire memory" option but neither samples nor sequences are saved. Instead, the stuff that loads up into the machine "leaks" from the other stuff I've saved. I was told it was because I didn't give name samples & seqs but now I do and it still doesn't work.
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By stereoroid Tue Aug 10, 2004 3:45 pm
I missed the original thread (on vacation)...

This question is really too vague to answer, you need to provide more details about what is happening, how are we supposed to diagnose "leaks"?

- Save each Program and its associated samples in its own folder. DON'T save everything in the root directory, be organized. This keeps it simpler if you use the "Load All" function, in particular, like I do.
- The same for "Sequences And Songs": they go together, but don't mix them up with Programs and Samples.
- Save Entire Memory definitely works for us: try it again, specifying a folder, and check what happens.

I suggest you create a simple example of the problem you see, and write up what you're doing and seeing, step by step. And watch out for "Load All", it works great if you are organized, but I wonder if that is the cause of the "leak"... :roll:
Bychainsawzombie Wed Aug 11, 2004 5:00 pm
I started using the folders yesterday, someone else told me that might be the problem, and it worked. What I meant by "leaks" was that sequences and samples that I've saved earlier was loaded instead of the ones I've recently saved. This was probably due to me putting everything in the root folder and not naming stuff. Anyway, thanks!