Talk and share knowledge on rare records, sources of new samples, vinyl, diggin, etc
By Scrawny Sat Dec 11, 2021 10:52 am
I've seen it so often I'm convinced there's got to be some specific reason why people do this
Why do people mark certain tracks on the record?? Anyone got a clue?? :hmmm:
By Scrawny Sat Dec 11, 2021 5:06 pm
Can't be it, for example on an album without any breaks, and it's maybe half of the songs that are marked.
By Masenkoooo Thu Dec 08, 2022 8:15 pm
Scrawny wrote:I've seen it so often I'm convinced there's got to be some specific reason why people do this
Why do people mark certain tracks on the record?? Anyone got a clue?? :hmmm:

i used to do it so i knew what songs id wanna save - ex. record to tape or internal memory
also cant take records on a road trip so converting the songs to tape was a thing (still is) for a while