Submit bug reports and feature requests for the JJOS-XL and 2XL
By Oortone Thu May 04, 2023 1:07 pm
I think the 808 edit in the Grid page is great but I really would like to be able to move sideways (why not using bar arrow buttons) when editing a sequence longer than one bar.

So I can move from bar 1 to bar 2, 3, 4 e.t.c. (and back) more quickly. As of now I have to go up to the loop field and back to the grid all the time which is not so convenient.

Personally I would also prefer not to hear only the loop of only the bar being 808-edited but the whole Sequnce running in loop. But that's perhaps more a question of preference, I can see that some prefer to loop only the section being 808-programmed.