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Parameter Modulation

By dazastah Sun Jan 12, 2014 2:57 am
Basically you can modulate any paramater (pitch, volume , pan , fliter cut off , insert fx parameters .. etc) from pad/midi events....

easiest function to understand from this would be the side chain pumping effect...

ie on track 1 i have a sample chop phrase and want to modulate track 1's volume.
The pad events which will do this will be from track 10 which has a drum pgm assigned to it.. Pad 1 sends or links to track 1's volume parameter..

When choosing the pad(pad 1) the options include...

the note sends negative or positive(the velocity of pad press is used for send amount)
You have a attack hold and release to tailor the effect..

Of course if they can implement it you could use it to modulate almost everything.. like a snare event on track 11 could link to the send parameter on track one. . This send is sending to a reverb effect..

I'd use this shit out of this....