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Lcd and Cpu Screen, Zoom in on selected Parameters?

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By Rokgod Mon Feb 24, 2014 5:44 pm
This feature would work like this and would help people performing live on the Rennaissance or someone who doesn't like to squint at the tiny values on their computer screen or the small hardware lcd.

Any time I adjust a parameter, a volume meter, a cutoff qlink, any parameter on the Ren etc.., can we have the option to toggle on/off this feature that would zoom in (on cpu screen, and hardware LCD) zoom in on whatever value your are temporarily adjusting and when you are done adjusting it will go back to regular view mode.

So say I decide real quick to turn the Qlink 1 with a cutoff, on the hard lcd, it will just read in big letters "Q1 CUTOFF 0-127" in big characters, just temporarily while adjusting whatever parameter it is, after you stop adjusting it, the screen goes back to normal mpc screen. Just so we know what parameter we are justing without having to squint in a live, dark environment, or if you are rested quit some distance from the actual screens of the lcd or the computer screen?