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How do you want Non-Destructive slicing to work?

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By Rokgod Mon Feb 24, 2014 5:59 pm
Do you want a non destructive chop feature that doesn't make copies of the sample? Currently when you NON-D chop(turn Link slices:Off) a new file is made for every single chop. The new way would just keep the original sample with no copies, and all your slices are just references to slice points in that original sample, in return no files get copied/created, less space taken in project.

Reason why I think it's needed is if you chop non destructively by turning link slices off, and you are chopping a minute long sample. It's really inefficient to create a ton of copies of that 1 minute long sample, takes up way too much space. Can we just reference slice points to that one original sample and not make copies of it?