MPC Software & MPC Beats Forum: Bug reports, feature suggestions and discussion for the MPC Software and the free 'MPC Beats' application for Mac/PC. If you have hardware-specific questions, please post in the relevant MPC sub-forum.
By apricotandpearjam Sat May 25, 2019 10:01 pm
hi all.
ive just downloaded the mpc 2.5 software after not using mpc for years.
i used it for a long long time and am getting back into it.
id like to ask ... is there a quick way to grab a pad/sound and pitch it up or down, without going into loads of menus?
this question relates to both hardware and software ... whats the easiest way to do it?
By Cockdiesel Sat May 25, 2019 10:23 pm
16 levels mode. set it to tuning. or go into the editing screen of the sample and there should be a dial for tuning that you can pitch up or down.