MPC Software & MPC Beats Forum: Bug reports, feature suggestions and discussion for the MPC Software and the free 'MPC Beats' application for Mac/PC. If you have hardware-specific questions, please post in the relevant MPC sub-forum.
By DeliCut Wed Dec 01, 2021 4:34 pm
Hi everyone,

I just started using mpc software on pc for stretching the samples since it has better algorithm than standalone mpc. So I'm learning how to use it but one thing that I can't figure out is how to prevent change in volume of the sample after time stretching it. I go to Sample edit -> Functions -> Time stretch. When function is applied volume in significantly lower which is notable on the waveform. I tried to normalize it but it doesn't affect the sound. I have no such problems on the standalone, volume stays the same after stretching it.
I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Some help will be appreciated!