MPC Software & MPC Beats Forum: Bug reports, feature suggestions and discussion for the MPC Software and the free 'MPC Beats' application for Mac/PC. If you have hardware-specific questions, please post in the relevant MPC sub-forum.
By RimonBowl Sat Jan 06, 2024 6:59 pm
I'm pretty new to using MPC beats, I just figured out how to import sforzando as a plugin and just figured out how to get it to run. I have two problems though.

Problem 1:
When loading sforzando as a plugin, it shows up as:
(Bear with me here, I don't know how to include an image)
\/ Program
Plugin 001
Plugin: sforzando
Preset: emptyslot0

I can't seem to change the preset to be anything other than "emptyslot0." I've tried saving the preset state, where it saves the .xpl file to
...\OneDrive\Documents\MPC Beats\Plugin Presets\Instruments\Plogue Art et Technologie Inc - VST - sforzando

But still nothing shows up. If i want to use my preset in sforzando I have to manually load it by clicking the top left menu.

Problem 2:
For whatever reason, when I create a track with sforzando, I can't change the instrument for a separate track. If I wanted to, say, use two instruments from the earthbound soundfont. Then switching to another instrument for track 2 will switch the instrument for track 1.

Any help on these issues?