MPC X, MPC Live, MPC One & MPC Key 61 Forum: Support and discussion for the MPC X, MPC Live, MPC Live II, MPC One & MPC Key 61; Akai's current generation of standalone MPCs.
By Cockdiesel Tue Jun 30, 2020 10:13 pm
Maybe I don’t get what you’re asking but can’t you just scroll through the tracks, hit menu then program edit. I don’t know off hand but can’t you also scroll through the programs in the program edit menu?
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By MPC-Tutor Wed Jul 01, 2020 9:01 am
Yes, there's no way to change the program in program edit (unlike previous MPCs, but that used to simultaneously change the program assigned to the current track so wan't ideal either).

As mentioned, hold down MAIN while in program edit to quickly select a new track - if that track has a different program assigned to it, that program will now appear in program edit.
By biomaskin Wed Jul 01, 2020 9:15 am
long press on the „main“ button on the latest fw..

Yes, there's no way to change the program in program edit (unlike previous MPCs, but that used to simultaneously change the program assigned to the current track so wan't ideal either).

THANKS :worthy: GUYS
A bit surprised they didn't include this from the get go, but impressed it was added - way to go AKAI :)