MPC X, MPC Live, MPC One & MPC Key 61 Forum: Support and discussion for the MPC X, MPC Live, MPC Live II, MPC One & MPC Key 61; Akai's current generation of standalone MPCs.
By Dirk_K Mon Mar 06, 2023 2:14 am
Glad I found this thread.

I encountered this bug on a live gig running both a Waldorf STVC and Moog Grandmother as controllers into the MPC One. I was going crazy, power cycling both the Moog and the STVC. I thought it was the STVC usb midi so I added an iConnectivity MioXM to my setup to see if running 5-pin midi might solve the problem. Got around to testing it tonight and started having problems again.

This will be a major hindrance so I need to start figuring out some workarounds. Hopefully this can be addressed in a future update. And sooner than later!
By eLuSiVeMiTe Mon Mar 06, 2023 3:23 pm
Jay Zen wrote:I‘m suffering the same bug with the Launchpad Pro MK3, Yamaha BT Adapter, Otaki Midi USB adapter.. Everytime I switch the selection, the midi is channels are separeted, but regardless the setting, it’s routed to the selected channel….?!?!!! :twisted:

The channels are triggered and midi is forwarded, like a bottelneck, no multichannel midi.


Is your keyboard set to global in pref/midi

Make sure to switch from auto to merge on midi monitor and arm multiple tracks.
By Weppingpresent Wed Jul 19, 2023 6:28 pm
Just came across this bug. I am sequencing two MPC One's with a Squarp Hapax so you can imagine how much of an issue it is for me.
The MPCs can't receive the same note on two different midi channels without one choking the other. Different notes work fine.
I am on the latest update 2.12.1

This is a big issue, when will Akai adress this ? Its been 2 years
By juvejuan Wed Sep 13, 2023 5:48 pm
Hello! I've been trying to use my MPC ONE with my Keystep Pro, but I've encountered a problem. I'm using two channels on the Keystep Pro - one for drums (MPC ONE) and the other for bass sounds ( MPC ONE). Initially, everything seems fine, but when I try to create a sequence, I notice that the bass notes occasionally get muted. Can someone please help me troubleshoot this issue?
By chrisroland Wed Sep 13, 2023 6:38 pm
i've basically stopped trying to figure out the "why" of this seemingly unkillable bug and just started working around it by adjusting my pads' MIDI note values and plugin/keygroup ranges to avoid any note(s) that are getting choked off for whatever reason with the sequencing. it's not ideal and would be much easier if they just fixed it but at this point i don't have a better solution
By rgbeitor Thu Sep 14, 2023 5:03 pm

Sorry for the necro bumping and the long post.

I can confirm the bug.

General setup
MPC One FW version: 2.11.4

Connected by usb. Shows as a port in the MPC.

Roland ED PC180A, external keyboard/midi controller.
Connected by IN DIN connector in the back of the MPC.

Two tracks created in the MPC one:

Track 1
IN UNO_Synth_MIDI_1 channel 9
Configure a plugin here. Ie, Tube Synth

Track 2
IN MPC channel 1 (keyboard connected here).
Configure a plugin here. Ie, Odyssey.

Test 1
Press one specific note (example C2) in the keyboard of the uno synth. Keep it pressed. Tube synth plugin sounds.
Press same note in Roland PC180A. Odyssey plugin doesn't sound.
WRONG BEHAVIOUR (as another colleague -Bradley Smith- was clarifying in this thread). Seems to be different in older FWs.

Test 2
Press C2 note in Roland PC180A. Odyssey plugin sounds.
Press same note in the keyboard of the uno synth. Keep it pressed. Tube synth plugin doesn't sound.

In both cases, midi traffic data can be seen in the MPC's midi monitor.

More relevant information
I end up here because I was trying to sequence from the UNO Synth (this small little synth includes a cool monophonic sequencer very interesting because it can be looped for ever as recording and let you modify sequences on the fly... the original idea was to record those sequences in the MPC One. Of course in order to introduce notes, I thought that it would be better with the master keyboard (UNO synth keyboard is ok for a capacitive, but not great).

I found that, with a similar configuration as the one here, my keyboard had something like "disabled" keys. I was monitoring the IO of the midi outputs connecting them to a computer and sniffing the outputs (at the begining I was actually suspecting more about the uno); I found that the uno synth (acting as sequencer) was sending only note on messages at some point (this was right because I programed the secuence so, to make use of the glide effect). During the time that the note on was there, it wasn't possible to insert the same notes neither with the keyboard nor with the pads.

If felt like some of the keyboard keys were "dead".

What is more interesting about that configuration is that even using the pads, the behaviour is the same... note on/off sent by external devices in any channel are affecting everything.

Now, I can see that it seems to be related to this multichannel midi bug.

Sad because even when I found a workaround for my sequence recording (just use the keyboard of the synth to introduce notes in the synth sequencer), makes difficult to think in the MPC as an arrenger to play several instruments at the same time... and that was one of the reasons why I was buying it.

It seems that Akai is aware of this:
By re201 Thu Oct 26, 2023 7:48 pm
Just updated to MPC 2.12.2 and did my usual quick test (in Cubase Pro).

I can confirm that the multi note off bug is still there in VST/controller mode. :Sigh:

This has been the #1 bugfix on my wishlist for 3 years but it looks like they'll never fix it....

If anyone has time to do the standalone hardware test maybe you can confirm that too (?).
By st.bede Sun Nov 26, 2023 8:50 pm
1-8-8-1 wrote:
creativespiral wrote:I can confirm this bug... the NOTE OFF messages are being transmitted on ALL MIDI CHANNELS, and not respecting the set MIDI channel set on the MIDI program.

This is a major issue for anyone wanting to control outboard synths/instruments.... The general multi-timbral set up is good, but this bug makes it so NOTE OFF messages are sent to the wrong instruments.

Has anyone submitted this bug to AKAI? Are they aware of it? How/where can we submit it?

This is not a fix, (its a fix when Akai fix it), but I have a suggestion.
Get a BomeBox - - and the Midi Translator Pro software

This is the Swiss Army Knife for midi
You could use this to supress the spurious note off messages.

Since getting one myself I wonder how I would get on without it.

I am not sure how either Bome’s MTP or the Bome Box could force a MPC to not see a midi off command on all channels.

I just updated and I am still getting the choke. For Akai who wants to sell plugins/keygroups for the MPC, seems weird not to address this issue. It has to be a serious problem, they can not fix. The pads are cool, but it is still useful to run a midi keyboard in… unless you want to do two things at once. It has made me seriously think about just selling my MPC Live II, and moving on to a different DAW-less workflow. There are other options out there.

An easy solution would to allow for each synth, to change the range of its’ voice. Only one has that option. That way it can play a C4 but have a C2.
By virtualan Sat Dec 09, 2023 6:48 pm
I just bought the MPC One + just over a week ago. I noticed this problem today and spent hours trying to resolve it within my studio set-up only to find out it's a 3 year old known bug!!! I feel that AKAI are forcing users to do everything in the box or they would fix it. Really annoying!
By virtualan Sun Dec 10, 2023 8:59 pm
I agree, but it's an AKAI 'Professional' product! Not resolving a 2 years+ big issue is not how I would expect a 'Professional' company or person to respond! How many on this thread have raised a ticket on the issue? Is it ok to share this thread in a new AKAI ticket?