MPC X, MPC Live, MPC One & MPC Key 61 Forum: Support and discussion for the MPC X, MPC Live, MPC Live II, MPC One & MPC Key 61; Akai's current generation of standalone MPCs.
By Joaocosta92 Sun Nov 28, 2021 9:41 pm
Dear all,

I hope you are well,

Please apologize in advance as English is not my native language.

I have got a very question in regards the sample edit.

I have got a 2 bar sample, vergy simple loop.

I have found a specific part of the sample in the original song that will fit perfectly my hook.

The issue now is...

When I star editing/choosing the sample that I want it changes my verse.

I do not know how can I go back to the original song and choose a specific part of the song without affecting the verse samples.

My appolou once again for bothering you all. :worthy: :worthy:
By SuperKonquer Sun Nov 28, 2021 10:17 pm
Not enough details here for me to be specific. But doesnt look in depth is needed explanation is needed. Simply duplicate then re-edit the duplicated part/sample/sequence/track or whatever is you want to change. If you are editing a sample be sure that you are duplicating to a new sample instead of just linking to same sample. If you are linking to sample instead of making a new one, any destructive edits you do will affect the main one. If you have already destructive edited that sample then its too late to revert unless you have a unedited copy of the sample that you can reload.
By jrm1200 Mon Nov 29, 2021 4:33 pm
Did you sample the entire song into the mpc? If so hit parameters and copy it. Now you have. A arcing identical sample and you can trim the new sample to what you want then assign it to a new pad. You can also highlight the part you want and extract it to a new pad. Not sure if that’s what you mean but it sounds like it might be.