MPC X, MPC Live, MPC One & MPC Key 61 Forum: Support and discussion for the MPC X, MPC Live, MPC Live II, MPC One & MPC Key 61; Akai's current generation of standalone MPCs.
Bynameless138337 Sun Jan 23, 2022 5:19 pm
Newbie question !
Hi I disconnected everything to set up my new studio, and I' ve changed the setup somehow.
So before, my keyboard would I think connect to the MPC One via one of its MIDI out cables and when I pressed play on the keyboard, it would start the MPC One track and also control other semi modular kit on the other MIDI out.

Now what it does I can see is it tries to play the pads, I don't want that, I just want it to start @playing as it used to

What did I do wrong ??
By SuperKonquer Mon Jan 24, 2022 1:39 am
Midi data consists of note on/off messages and continuous controller(CC) messages. CCs need to be mapped to assignable hardware parameters before the hardware responds to CC data. If your play button is triggering pads that means it is sending note data instead of a control change. You'll have to read up on assigning CCs in the Mpc manual, and consult the manual for your keyboard to understand how to assign your midi keyboards' buttons and knobs. If it was working previously, the likelihood is you changed a profile.