Discuss the various methods you use in music production, from compressor settings to equipment type.
By Floyd5809 Sat Mar 07, 2020 5:47 am
Hey all,

I’m trying to make my own custom sample layout on the mpc one but the different preloaded samples aren’t all playing the notes that harmonize with each other. If every sample is a chord, musical note, pad, synth etc I want them all to be in a specific musical key like d major or a minor how do I make them all play in the same key? Thx
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By NearTao Sat Mar 07, 2020 1:37 pm
If you are sampling chords, you're not going to be able to force it into a key without fancy witchcraft or an app like Melodyne that can analyze the frequency and allows you to adjust the notes in the chord.

Working with chords and then transposing them means you'll need something that will show you what pitching up and down semi-tones will lead to, and you'll quickly see that a C chord pitched up and down semi-tones doesn't get you all other potential chord combinations.