Discuss the various methods you use in music production, from compressor settings to equipment type.
By Dazzer1234567 Tue Feb 02, 2021 10:54 pm
Hi folks,

New user here, just trying to get my head around the MPC way of constructing a song.

Imagine this: i have two sequences, each 4 bars long, which i arrange in song mode.

Now, i decide that at the point where sequence 1 transitions to sequence 2 (at the beginning of bar 5 in the song) i want to record a bass guitar fill. This fill will start before the end of seq. 1 and run over into seq.2.

Now i've got a problem, right? I'm guessing that the MPC is very "blocky" in how it lets you construct a song, and these sort of things that would be child's play in a DAW are not possible?

Or is it possible? If so, could anyone point me in the right direction?

By Calcaire Wed Feb 03, 2021 12:01 am
Now, i decide that at the point where sequence 1 transitions to sequence 2 (at the beginning of bar 5 in the song) i want to record a bass guitar fill. This fill will start before the end of seq. 1 and run over into seq.2.

Not as intuitive as your DAW, but when you get use too it can be very quick.

SONG MODE : chain seq 1 to seq 2 , getting a 8 bar "song" . Press lower button CONVERT>SEQ ... it will make a new sequence on an empty slot (seq 3 in your example ) containing seq 1 and 2 , 8 bars long . in this seq 3 you can record your guitar riff wherever you want ( in the audio track or in a pad triggered on the grid ) . You can after use this seq 3 as another element in another "song" of this project , keeping the 4 bars "original" sequences 1 and 2 ready for use. You can imagine Song mode as a way to copy and paste note and automations on demand in new longer sequence. In fact very useful for transitions.
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By Lampdog Wed Feb 03, 2021 12:34 am
Audio track or as like perfectly described above.
By Ajax Wed Feb 03, 2021 3:34 am
It’s less difficult than you think. Play the two sequences back to back and record the guitar as an audio track. Assign it to a pad. Go to sequence one and trigger it where you want it to start. Then just play the sequences back to back again or go through the whole song mode process. Either way, the sample should bleed from sequence one into sequence two.
By MoonsOfJupiter Wed Feb 03, 2021 3:39 am
I recommend trying to keep your songs on 1 sequence. You'll have a much easier time in the end completing songs/tracks, once you get comfortable inserting bars and copying pasting when needed. good luck