Discuss the various methods you use in music production, from compressor settings to equipment type.
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By tude Tue Nov 19, 2002 12:11 pm
I've had my mpc for 5 months now and I've made some pretty o.k beats so far, but I know that my beats dont' have that good drums. I know the secret lies within EQ'ing, compressing and layering and so on, but I've tried that and experimented for hours (nah, for days...) and I don't seem to get that kick-ass sound...
Can anyone please help me? How do you compress and EQ drums properly? I know, every producer has his/her own secrets, but please, give me something...;)
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By tude Tue Nov 19, 2002 5:39 pm
yeah thanks, totally forgot the "search" option...sorry 'bout that..;)[/color]